Library Policies
Library Hours: 7:00am to 2:30pm on school days. Students are welcome to use the library without a pass before school, lunch, and after school. Students may use eHall Pass to get a pass during class time. Students wanting an Extension Pass for the library are to first get the paper pass from the library, then take it to their Extension teacher. The teacher has discretion on whether or not to accept the pass. Return the pass to the library and leave it at the front desk while you work. Extension and class time library passes are for working and reading only.
Library Conduct: no phones out, working and reading only during class time. Food and drink are allowed at lunch time only. The library staff reserves the right to seat classtime pass users at designated tables.
Collection Development: Like all FNSBSD libraries, the library professionals in charge select resources utilizing the guidelines found in School Board AR921.4, which aligns the collection as outlined by the American Library Association. The librarian considers student requests, staff requests, collection circulation statistics, professional review tools, and trending content through the lens of what is an appropriate best fit for North Pole High School and the district as a whole.
Books, Textbooks, and Chromebooks: The library checks out library books, textbooks, and Chromebooks to students and staff. In the event of a lost item, there will be a replacement fee assessed. See the admin secretary to pay, or pay online. There are no overdue fees assessed at this library, we are just happy that someone wants to use something so badly, and we are grateful to get it back, even a year later. Lost item fines are deleted once an item is returned.