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Show Me the Money!"* - insightfulaccountant.comHow do I apply?  Where do I find scholarships?  Keep scrolling down for answers!

1. Create a Scholarship Portfolio with the following tabs:

  • Completed Letter of Recommendation Request Form
  • Official Transcripts
  • Unofficial Transcripts
  • Test Scores
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Scholarship Schedule 
  • Copies of completed scholarships

2.  Contact Lisa Fitzhugh, the transcript secretary for your transcripts

  • 5 copies of your Official Transcripts (after January 25, 2024, get updated Official Transcripts)
  • 5 copies of your Unofficial Transcripts (after January 25, 2024, get updated Unofficial Transcripts)
  • 3 copies of Test Scores: ACT, SAT,

3. Acquire Letters of Recommendation. Fill out Letter of Recommendation Request Form. Copy it 10 times to give out to different people (teachers, advisors/coaches, counselors, employer, clergy, life long friends of the family, etc.). Give writers two weeks to write the Letter of Recommendation. Make sure you write down the date that YOU need to pick the letters up from the writer!

4. Research for scholarships

  • check out our scholarship list below
  • at your College that you have been accepted to
  • on the internet (Unigo,, FastWeb)

5. Read the application carefully, especially the eligibility requirements, and follow ALL directions.

6. On your essays, you are welcome to ask people to proofread it for you! 

7. Once the scholarship application is completed, copy the entire thing for your records. This is very important! You might need to refer back to it.

8. Mail BEFORE the postmarked date and/or deadline, sometimes it takes two weeks for mail to get to the lower 48!!!

9. Annotate on your Scholarship Schedule the required information. This information will be useful at tax time.

10. It is very important to inform your School Counselor when you are awarded a scholarship. He/She will want to know the name of the scholarship and the amount awarded for graduation purposes. 

Below is a list of local scholarships mixed in with some national scholarships.  There are a lot more scholarships out there, use the scholarship datebases mentioned above. 
Don't limit yourself just to this list!

Scholarships for military connected students click here! Several scholarships are available with various due dates

Check out these online scholarship sites:   Unigo,, FastWeb

September Scholarships:
Quest Bridge- Full four year scholarships to top schools for academically outstanding seniors/low income.  APPLY ASAP

October Scholarships:
Coca-Cola Scholars- $20,000-GPA 3.0- Due 10/2/2024
Heisman High School Scholarship- Senior athletes with a minimum GPA of 3.0 Due 10/17/2024
Toni Logan Goodrich Resource Scholarship- High School Senior- $1500 Due TBA
VFW Voice of Democracy- $30,000- 9th-12th grade students.  Turn in recorded essay to Chief Spilinek in ROTC Due 10/31/2024

November Scholarships:
Elks Most Valuable Student-All high school seniors- $4000-$50,000, Due 11/12/2024
Education Matters- All high school seniors $5000 Due 11/30/2024

December Scholarships:
Unigo $10K- $10,000 All high school seniors Due 12/31/24

January Scholarships:
GE- Reagan Foundation- Up to $40,000- Student leaders with a minimum GPA of 3.0 Due TBA
Marathon Petroleum Scholars Program- Children of Marathon Petroleum Company, formerly known as Flint Hills-Due TBA
Alaska Engineering Education Scholarship-$500-$4000- Engineering students, Due TBA
Alaska Air Carriers- $1000-$5000-Students pursuing aviation, Due TBA
Forest Jones Memorial- TBA- Students interested in Alaska aviation- TBA
Jim Snead Memorial-TBA-Students interested in Alaska aviation- TBA
Red Boucher- $1000- Students going into a technology related career- Due TBA
FAC -Book scholarship- $500.00 Seniors only Due 1/31/24

Scholarships for military connected students click here! Several scholarships are available with various due dates

February Scholarships: (check back for more)
2023 SWE Greatland Section Scholarship- One $2000 & two $1500- Female pursuing engineering- Due TBA
UA (UAF, UAA, UAS) Scholarships- $500-$8000-Due TBA
Fairbanks Principal Association Scholarship- $1000- GPA minimum 3.5- Due TBA

March Scholarships: (check back for more)
ZETA Chapter ADK-Have a Parent/Guardian/Grandparent work for FNSBSD Several $500 Awards Due TBA
GVEA- $3500-$16,000-Must be a GVEA customer and meet GPA requirements- Due TBA
Alaska Airmen Association- Over $90,000 scholarships Awarded- Aviation students- Due TBA
Beauty & Wellness Professionals Scholarship- $2500- Cosmetology & more!- Due TBA
Ducks Unlimited- $500-$10,000- Must be a Ducks Unlimited Member- Due TBA
JJ Klein Scholarship- $10,000- GPA 2.0-3.2-Alaska resident- Due TBA
Truman D Picard Scholarship- Native American/ Alaskan Natural Resource Students- $2000- Due TBA
Fairbanks Retired Teachers' Association- 3 $2000 awards- 2022 Graduate from FNSBSD- Due TBA
The American Legion of Alaska- Several Scholarships due at various times ONGOING
Donald R DeWitt Scholarship- $2500- Student in the FNSBSD with a GPA 2.75-3.5 - Due TBA
The GCI Scholarship- 50 scholarships awarded @ $2000 each- Seeking degree in STEM, GPA 2.8-3.5  TBA
Kathryn E and John P Doyle Scholarship- $2000- Female studying science related degree at UAF- TBA
Lucile Hope Special Education Scholarship- $2000- Focus on Special Education- Due TBA
Tim Akers Memorial Scholarship- $1000- Alaskan resident with minimum GPA 3.0 pursuing technology-Due TBA
EMC Engineering Scholarship- $5000-$20,000-Engineering, Architecture, or Construction Management- Due TBA
Art Jess Scholarship- $1000-$4000- Alaska Native Students- TBA
David E Knox Memorial Nursing Scholarship- $2500- Must commit to 1 year to practice nursing in a small Alaska Community- TBA
Bettye Davis Memorial Scholarship- $1000- Women of color and/or from a minority community pursuing social work- Due TBA
Dr John Halligan Scholarship- $2500- Must plan on attending a UA school pursuing health sciences- DUE TBA
Liam Hood Memorial Scholarship- $3000- Alaska resident, minimum GPA 3.0- Due TBA
Sven and Lorraine Eriksson Alaska Scholarship- $10,000- Must plan on attending a UA school in engineering or music- TBA
Scott Fibranz Baseball & Softball Scholarship- $1000- Participation in these sports- Due TBA
Harry H Hirshik- $1500- Pursuing automotive mechanics- Due TBA
ASEA State Vocational Grant- $2000- Vocational Grant- Due TBA
True North Credit Union- 7 awards in the amount of $2500- GPA 3.00-3.75- TBA
Kids Voting-$500- Graduating student from FNSBSD-Due TBA
ADK Theta Chapter- $500-$1000- FNSBSD Senior- Due TBA
John Kelly Scholarship- $1000-Students attending UAF or CTC in specific degrees- Due TBA
AGC Scholarship-Up to $20,000- Due TBA
Alaska State Fair- $3000- All seniors- Due TBA
Fairbanks Emblem Club- $3000- Minimum GPA 2.0- Due TBA
LGBTQ Awareness- $500- Students who identify as part of the LGBTQ community- Various Due Dates

April Scholarships:
June Nelson Scholarship-15 Awards in the amount of $1500- Graduating senior- Due TBA
Eielson Spouses' Club- High School Senior- Amount TBA- Due TBA
Credit Union One- Amount TBA- Be a member of Credit Union One- Due TBA
ASEA Union Scholarship- $1500- Dependents of members of ASEA/AFSCME Union - Varies
2020 Nursing Corps Scholarship-Amount is needs base- OPEN
North Pole Rotary- $6000- Be a graduating senior attending a high school in North Pole with a minimum GPA of 2.5- Due TBA
NAACP Scholarship- Four $500 scholarships- FNSBSD senior with minimum GPA of 2.0- Due TBA
Frank Belts Scholarship- $500- Parents are members of a local union- Due TBA
Jan Scott Memorial Scholarship- NP Senior going into college, vocational training or apprenticeship.  DUE TBA
Joan Hamilton Memorial Scholarship- Seniors pursing a career in Alaska Native rights. Due TBA

May Scholarships:
Ester Cunningham Scholarship- 2- $500 awards- FNSBSD senior with minimum GPA of 2.0 Due TBA
Airport Operator's Scholarship- $2000-Student working towards a career in aviation who intends to work in Fairbanks-Due TBA
MLK Scholarship- $1000-Graduating senior with GPA minimium of 2.0- Due TBA
Black Excellence Scholarship- Graduating senior with GPA minimum of 3.0 and must be from Black, Indigenous, or People of Color communities.  Due TBA
Quota International-Amount TBA- Due TBA

June Scholarships:
Hank Nikkels Scholarship- $4000- Alaska resident studying engineering- Due TBA
IBEW Scholarship- $4000- Alaska resident who intends to work in the electric industry-Due TBA


Fast Web


College Raptor

Scholarship Owl

Scholarship and Financial Aid Links (Nationally Offered)

Alaska Performance Scholarship

Fast Web

Federal Pell Grant Program

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program

Federal Work Study Program

FNSBSD Scholarship Page    

FNSBSD Another great page is our Student Opportunities page 

Ultimate Scholarship Guide: What you Need to Know

Going Merry 

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education

Scholarship Search Discover Online Tool for Pacific Region Scholarships

QuestBridge National College Match - For more information click HERE

Additionally, is a great resource for a variety of scholarships.



NPHS Scholarship List